Back in the Day on KOOP's Digital Download

Back in the Day (from Hot Pickin 57s CD, written by Max Zimmet) is on the digital download gift for those contributing to the KOOP 91.7 Radio membership drive. So honored to be on this compilation along with incredible artists such as Jimmy LaFave, Slaid Cleaves, Guy Forsyth, Joe King Carasco, Suzanna Choffel, Terri and Lloyd Maines, Gary P. Nunn and Bob Livingston, and many other amazing musicians. KOOP, a community radio station in Austin, TX, provides a diverse array of programming, emphasizing programs that deal with local issues and/or serve communities which are under-served by the mainstream media. Strictly Bluegrass was one of the first programs on KOOP radio and the only radio program dedicated to playing Bluegrass music in Central Texas.

Radio PlaySteve Zimmet